10 days – 60 hours of drawing, 30 hours of guided tours – Study of human anatomy and art history, visiting Rome museum and its masterpieces.

February 21 – March 3, 2016

Washington University – Rome

The intensive anatomy drawing workshop is aimed at the acquisition of the main human anatomical dynamics understood in a geometric-structural key.

The work of drawing from life from the statuary and from the living model allows the student to recognize the geometric structures of the human body. Understanding the numerous planes that make up and build the figure allows to recognize and draw its multiple manifestations with greater awareness.

The use of this geometric-structural approach in the study of anatomy makes possible to achieve an ever greater mastery of the figure being able to visualize it even before drawing it, thus carrying out a fundamental work of prefiguration that allows to rediscover and find on the model what of the model is well known.

Each meeting includes a frontal lesson in anatomical drawing followed by a laboratory phase of drawing from life with statuary and living model and relative correction of the drawings.

Duration: 60 hours

Course structure: 10 6-hour drawing lessons to be held in the afternoon.



  • The drawing from life – geometry, shape and chiaroscuro
  • Introduction to anatomy
  • Principles of osteology (rules and general dynamics for the structuring of the osteological figure)
  • Osteology (axial and appendicular skeleton investigated in every element)
  • Dynamic joints and lines
  • Principles of myology (skeletal and mimic muscles, basic types and mechanics)
  • Myology (function and volumetric development of superficial and major deep muscles)
  • External morphology (bone and muscle evidence in external morphology, landmarks)
  • Work with the living model


Total hours of drawing: 60


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